Sunday, April 20, 2014


We had a very happy Easter this year. The Easter Bunny was pretty good to the kids; I think we're all set with chocolate for the next year or so.
 My mom outdid herself on the outfits she made for us. Can you believe how gorgeous Lizzy's dress is? And even though you can't actually see it in this picture, the skirt she made me is also really pretty. 
 Seriously. Best looking kids ever.
Next year I need to remember to boil more eggs. I thought a dozen would be plenty for our family, but then Sebastian ate three in one sitting. By the time Easter was over, we were out of eggs.
We tried making a somewhat traditional Easter meal with moderate success. The ham we picked ended up being too big for our crockpot, so we shoved it in upside down and it basically worked. It fell off the bone and looked kind of funny, but it tasted good to me. The rolls came out flat, and the frosting melted off the easter bunny cupcakes,but everything was edible. Luckily we invited some friends to join us, and they brought some amazing potato casserole, which really rounded things out.
The best part of the day, though, was sitting in church, singing Easter songs, listening to the talks that all centered on the Atonement, and feeling deeply grateful for the gift of the Saviour. Happy Easter!